Baltic Actuarial summer days 2024
23-25 August, 2024
More info here
Place: Biržų r., Lithuania
Baltic Actuarial summer days 2023
18-19 August, 2023
More info here
Place: Ligatne, Latvia
European Actuarial Journal Conference 2022
Annual meeting of members of LAA
31 March
Place: zoom online
1. Report of Chairman of the Board
2. Report of Revisor-revidend
3. Annual report 2021
4. Regulations on approval of the amount of money and payment procedures of a member and a candidate member
5. Regulations on the motivation system for members of working groups of members
6. LAA education syllabus
7. Overview of activities in AAE
8. Events in 2022-2023
9. Other topics
European Congress of Actuaries 2022
Transparent Models with Machine-Learning: Rethinking the Modeling and Validation Process
Baltic Actuarial summer days 2022
Models in climate change, inflation and pandemics
14 April, 15-18 EET
Registration: here
Lectors: Christoph Krischanitz, Andrejs Bessonovs
Place: online, Zoom
2022 Events in Actuarial Association of Europe
More details:
- Pension system challenges in future;
- IFRS17;
- Climate change risk
2021 Events in Actuarial Association of Europe
More details:
- Professionalism: Ethics;
- IFRS17;
- Climate change risk
Internal autumn meeting
November 8, 2021 at 19
-Hot topics in LAA (by B.Močane), AAE (by I.Helmane)
-Project in Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Latvia for Guarantee fund by using Solvency II standard formula (by J.Krastiņa)
Place: Online, Zoom
Actuarial Association of Europe 41st Annual Meeting
20-21, 2018 in September
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Course in Actuarial Modeling with special consideration of Solvency II 2018
June 26-29, 2018 in September
Location: Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Institute of Actuarial Studies
XVIII Baltic Actuarial Summer Days 2018
24-28, 2018 in August
Location: Antaplaštakio village, Kurkliai sen., Anyksčiai district, Lithuania
Financial Education Week, 2017
2017 27.03 - 02.04.
Location: Latvia, Riga
"Basic competencies in standard financial literacy for adults"
This document is based on the common approach of the developed countries of the world to the issues of improvement of public financial literacy, incl. OECD INFE financial literacy competencies, and will be useful both for experts who create content for financial literacy training and for anyone who is ready to choose the topics they need for further financial literacy through self-study.
2017. year March 24 at 10.00
Location: in the premises of the National Library of Latvia at Mūkusalas Street 3, Riga.
Agreement concluded with the Latvian Motor Insurance Bureau (LTAB)
December 8, 2016
Location: Riga, Latvia
An Agreement has been concluded with the Latvian Motor Insurance Bureau (LTAB) on the development of a methodology for the calculation of RBNS technical provisions in cases of payment of Guarantee Fund claims administered by insurance companies.
Agreement with LTAB, 2016
Project completion deadline: end of 2017
Providing the Association's opinion on the draft FCMC regulations
October 23, 2015
Location: Riga, Latvia
Normative regulations regarding the basic principles of calculation of technical provisions
Participation in the working group on the Draft Law “Insurance and Reinsurance Law”
April-June 2015
Location: Riga, Latvia
Republic of Latvia 12. the agenda of the sitting of the Saeima Budget and Finance (Tax) Commission here
Participation in a seminar in the premises of the University of Latvia with employers and representatives of higher education institutions
May 14, 2015
Location: Riga, Latvia
Participation in a seminar in the premises of the University of Latvia with employers and representatives of higher education institutions in order to formulate an opinion that should be taught from mathematics and computer science at school so that there are no problems starting and studying at a higher education institution and entering the labor market.
There will be similar discussions in other areas of curriculum.
The role of mathematics and computer science in the actuarial profession
Daily plan
Information from the State Education Content Center about the current planned content changes in the field of mathematics and computers for up to 20–25 minutes.
Formulation and adoption of final recommendations.
Reports from employers and academics (topics agreed with each) up to 10-12 minutes each.
Participation in the working group on the Draft Law “Insurance and Reinsurance Law”
April-June 2015
Location: Riga, Latvia
Republic of Latvia 12. the agenda of the sitting of the Saeima Budget and Finance (Tax) Commission here
Operational risk and its assessment possibilities
November 3, 2016 at 18.30
Location: RTU premises in Kalnciema Street
Presents: Darya Stepchenko
The presentation is here
LAA seminar "OCTA booking aspects"
2013. gada 22. janvāris
Vieta: Latvija, Rīga
Prezentācija atrodas šeit
Semināra diskusiju apkopojums atrodas šeit
Semināra afiša atrodas šeit
LAAA Seminar "Internal Models for Risk Assessment in Commercial Banks"
January 12, 2012
Location: Latvia, Riga
The seminar poster is here
LAAA seminar "Risk Management in Insurance: Risk Identification and Measurement"
December 1, 2011
Location: Latvia, Riga
The seminar poster is here
The presentation is here
LAAA Seminar "On IAA and GC Committee Meetings"
October 27, 2011
Location: Latvia, Riga
The seminar poster is here
The presentation is here
LAAA Seminar "QIS5 Experience"
June 1, 2011
Location: Latvia, Riga
The seminar poster is here
LAAA seminar "Critical Situation Analysis"
May 11, 2011
Location: Latvia, Riga
The seminar poster is here
The presentation is here
Course on Fundamental Statistical Methods in Insurance
2010 from 29 September to 2 October
Location: Austria, University of Salzburg
See invitation (in English) here
See the registration form (in English) here
See the certificate (in English) here
LAAA Seminārs "Solvency II anatomija"
April 20, 2011
Location: Latvia, Riga
A summary of the presentation can be found here
EAA seminārs "Risku pārvaldība"
2009 5. until February 7
Location: Austria, University of Salzburg
See more:
Actuarial days
Baltic Actuarial Days 2016
2016 23-24 September
Latvia, Līcīši
Presentation: SII-PILLAR I Gray areas (ACTUAM)
Presentation: IFRS 4 PHASE II (ACTUAM)
Presentation - Other must to know points (I.Helmane)
Summary of working groups
Baltic Actuarial Days # 11
2011. August 27-28
Location: Estonia, Marx
The program is here
A presentation on Islamic finance is here
Baltic Actuarial Days # 10
2010. gada 16. līdz 17. jūlijs
Vieta: Latvija, Usma
Agenda: Actuarial Professionalism Courses; Lecturer: Christopher David Daykin (UK).
Course materials (in English) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
See more information (in English) here
Baltic Actuarial Days # 9
July 24-26, 2009
Location: Lithuania, Kintai
Actuarial function in Solvency II World; lecture Rokas Gylys (LT);
Interdisciplinary Research - Opportunities for Actuarial Profession; lecture Aldona Skučaite (LT);
Gender Equality in Insurance: Directive 2004/113 / EC and its implementation; lecture Kristīne Lomanovska and Jolanta Krastiņa (LV).
Station of the ornithology, in Ventes horn;
Nemunas delta and Curonian bay cruise;
Team building activities;
Social part.
Baltic Actuarial Days # 8
- Basics of Accounting & its importance in actuarial world; lecture Kristine Lomanovska and Inga Helmane (LV);
- Actuarial Software VIPitech & SEB Estonia experience; lecture Piret Raukas and Jaanus Sibul (EE);
- Introduction to Market Consistent Embedded Value; lecture Rokas Gylys (LT);
- An Introduction to Copulas; lecture Gaida Pettere (LV).
Tour in the park of Riidaja estate;
The ruins of the Helme Stronghold
Team building activities;
Concert by Anu and Triinu Taul
Social part.
August 22-24, 2008
Location: Estonia, Torupillitalu
Baltic Actuarial Days # 7
- Basic of Basel & Solvency; lecture Janis Bokans (LV);
- Market risks; lecture Gaida Pettere (LV);
- QIS III Life; lecture Elina Tilta-Gerika (LV);
- QIS III Non-life; lecture Jolanta Krastina (LV);
- Insurance- current issues & future; lecture Vilius Dereskevičius (LT).
Excursions- Tour to the largest catholic basilica in Latvia – Aglona;
Team building activities;
Social part.
July 27-29, 2007
Location: Latvia, Aglona, Camping Aglonas Alpi
Baltic Actuarial Days # 6
July 21-23, 2006
Location: Lithuania, Ginuciai, Ignalina
Brain storming;
- Guided tour to museum of beekeeping and honey;
- Ladakalnis (mound).
Social part.
Baltic Actuarial Days # 5
Guided tour in the Setu Farm Museum;
Concert by national band music group “Kirmask”;
Social part.
July 30-31, 2005
Location: Estonia, Seto Farm Museum
Baltic Actuarial Days # 4
July 2004
Location: Latvia, Jūrkalne
Team building activities;
Social part.
Baltijas Aktuāru dienas #3
Social part.
August 9-10, 2003
Location: Lithuania, country house "Lakštas", near Trakai, near the lake "Skaistis"
Baltic Actuarial Days # 2
Excursion- Guided tour in Kihnu island;
Social part.
July 2002
Location: Estonia, Kihnu Island
Baltic Actuarial Days # 1
Social part.
July 2001
Location: Latvia, Salacgrīva
Anniversary events
15th anniversary of the Latvian Association of Actuaries
September 6-7, 2013
Location: Latvia, Baltezers "Baltvilla"
Program of the event here is here
10th anniversary of the Latvian Association of Actuaries
Event Leaders:
Kristīne Lomanovska, Andris Barlots
Course of the event:
Official part:
- Assembly;
Gaidas Pettere's address;
Historical facts- Jānis Bokāns;
Memoration of the commemorative prizes:
October 23, 2008
Venue: Olympic Casino Radisson
- Gvido Romeiko;
- Jānis Brazovskis;
- Constantine Didenko;
- Egons Lavender.
Gaming part.